iEHR supports the Bulk FHIR® API 2.0.0. The Bulk FHIR® API uses Backend Services Authorization.
The premise of the Bulk FHIR® API is that it allows you to create a bulk export of data for multiple patients. There are different ways to export data:
- From a Group of patients, which will export everything in each patient's compartment
- As a system level export of all FHIR® resources in a Project
The export process is asynchronous, and you will need to poll a status URL returned when you start the export. After the BulkDataExport resource with the export results is available, it will contain a set of URLs where you can download the exported data in NDJSON format.
Group Export
To specify which patients need to be included in the export, construct a Group resource and add specific patients as Group.member.entity.
To start the process of exporting the resources, make an HTTP GET
request for /fhir/R4/ai/iehr/Group/<GROUP_ID>/$export?_outputFormat=ndjson
. This initiates a Bulk Data Export transaction and return links to download URLs for requested resources.
curl 'https://api.iehr.ai/fhir/R4/ai/iehr/Group/<GROUP_ID>/$export?_outputFormat=ndjson' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
Resource in iEHR App | Usage in Bulk FHIR® |
Group | All patients you want to include must be included as Group.member.entity |
System Level Export
An export can also be performed for all resources in a Project by making a GET
request for /fhir/R4/ai/iehr/$export
import http.client
import time
import json
# You'll need to go through the auth process to get a valid access token,
# see https://iehr.ai/docs/auth/client-credentials for details
access_token = '[Requires valid access token]'
# Open the connection to the iEHR API
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('api.iehr.ai')
# Start the bulk export by calling the POST [base]/$export operation endpoint
# This begins the export process, which runs asynchronouosly and may take a while
# to finish. Because of this, the response to this API call does not contain the
# actual exported data, but instead a URL that you can poll to get the status of
# the export operation
'GET', '/fhir/R4/$export', None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
'Content-Type': 'application/fhir+json',
init = conn.getresponse()
# No 202 Accepted status code means the export request was not successfully started
if init.status != 202:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to start bulk export')
# Get the status URL from the Content-Location header
status_url = init.getheader('Content-Location')
if status_url == None:
raise RuntimeError('No status URL found')
# Make an initial request for the status of the export
'GET', status_url, None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
status = conn.getresponse()
# 202 Accepted status code means the export is still in progress
while status.status == 202:
# Wait 1s between requests
# Retry checking the status
'GET', status_url, None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
status = conn.getresponse()
# No 200 OK status code means the export failed with an error
if status.status != 200:
raise RuntimeError('Error exporting data')
# Read the JSON body of the response
body = status.read()
export = json.loads(body)
# The response JSON looks like this:
# {
# "transactionTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
# "request" : "https://app.iehr.ai/fhir/R4/$export
# "requiresAccessToken" : true,
# "output" : [{
# "type" : "Patient",
# "url" : "http://url.to.storage/patient_file_1.ndjson"
# },{
# "type" : "Observation",
# "url" : "http://url.to.storage/observation_file_1.ndjson"
# }],
# "error" : []
# }
def download_export_to_file(export_record, access_token):
# Request the NDJSON export data
'GET', export_record.url, None, {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
export_data = conn.getresponse()
# Append NDJSON data to file on disk
with open(export_record.type + '.ndjson', 'a') as f:
# Iterate over the output items to download the exported data
for record in export.output:
# record.type: the resource type contained in the export file
# record.url: a URL pointing to an NDJSON file containing the exported data
download_export_to_file(record, access_token)
Related Reading
- Reporting and Analytics overview
- Standardized API for patient and population services on HealthIT.gov