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Questionnaires & Assessments

Creating, updating, and embedding FHIR® Questionnaires for both patients and practitioners is a common use case for iEHR. The platform supports a variety of features to ensure that questionnaires are versatile and easy to use.

Key Features

  1. Creating and Updating Questionnaires: The iEHR app allows users to create and update questionnaires seamlessly. This feature is essential for maintaining up-to-date assessments and ensuring that all necessary information is captured accurately.

  2. Embedding Questionnaires: The Questionnaire React component can be embedded in both patient-facing and practitioner-facing applications. This flexibility ensures that questionnaires are accessible and can be integrated into various workflows.

  3. QuestionnaireBuilder Component: This component can be embedded in applications to facilitate the creation and customization of questionnaires. It provides a user-friendly interface for building and modifying questionnaires.

  4. Viewing QuestionnaireResponses: QuestionnaireResponse resources can be viewed directly in the iEHR app. This feature allows practitioners to review patient responses and make informed decisions based on the collected data.

  5. Automation with Bots: Bots for QuestionnaireResponse are among the most common automations in iEHR. They can be used to trigger specific actions based on patient responses, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.

Key Resources

  • Questionnaire: Defines the questions and possible answers for a specific form. Each form has one Questionnaire resource.

  • QuestionnaireResponse: Captures a patient's responses to each question in a Questionnaire. Each instance of a patient's responses is recorded as a separate QuestionnaireResponse resource.

  • Observation: Provides a structured representation of a point-in-time result measured by an assessment.

  • RiskAssessment: A specialized form of an Observation tailored to propensity measurements.

  • Condition: Records a long-term diagnosis for a patient.

Key Code Systems

  • LOINC: Used to tag questions and answers. LOINC also offers predefined standard assessments, making it easier to standardize data collection.

  • ICD-10: Used to annotate Condition resources for billing purposes.

Advanced Features

  1. Core Extensions: The Questionnaire resource has the most "core extensions" of any FHIR® resource due to the wide variety of data collection applications. These extensions allow for advanced customization and functionality.

  2. Structured Data Capture (SDC) Implementation Guide: This guide provides a collection of profiles, extensions, and best practices for advanced questionnaire use cases. It includes modular forms, advanced rendering options, and a list of SDC implementations.

  3. Modular Forms: Allows for the reuse of sections and questions between different questionnaires, enhancing efficiency and consistency.

  4. Advanced Rendering: Additional extensions inform how a questionnaire is displayed, ensuring that it is user-friendly and accessible.

  5. List of SDC Implementations: A wiki page with various form builders and form fillers that implement parts of the SDC guide.

For more detailed information, feel free to contact us .