IE (Ireland) Core Implementation Guide
1.0.0-ballot - Ballot Ireland flag

Publication Build: This will be filled in by the publication tooling

ValueSet: IE Core Individual Healthcare Identifier Status

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0-ballot
Standards status: Trial-use Maturity Level: 3 Computable Name: IECoreIndividualHealthcareIdentifierStatus
Other Identifiers: OID:

Copyright/Legal:, all rights reserved Creative Commons License

The Individual Healthcare Identifier Status value set includes values that may be used to describe the classification status of an Individual Healthcare Identifier.


Logical Definition (CLD)

Generated Narrative: ValueSet ie-core-ihi-status



Generated Narrative: ValueSet

Expansion done internally based on codesystem IE Core Individual Healthcare Identifier Status v1.0.0-ballot (CodeSystem)

This value set contains 5 concepts


Active Individual Healthcare Identifier status recorded when the Individual Healthcare Identifier does not have a date of death on the record and the number status is not expired, retired, resolved or deceased.


Deceased Individual Healthcare Identifier status where a date of death is present on the record, but it has not yet been matched with Fact of Death Data from Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries and age is not greater than 130 years.


Retired Individual Healthcare Identifier status where a date of death is present on the record which has been matched with Fact of Death Data from Births, Deaths and Marriages Registries, or has reached an age of 130 years (verified Individual Healthcare Identifier records only).


Expired Individual Healthcare Identifier status where the record status is provisional and there has been no activity on the record for 90 days, or where it is unverified and has reached an age of 130 years.


Resolved Individual Healthcare Identifier status where it has been linked with another record as part of resolving a provisional or duplicate record, or end dated as part of the replica resolution process.

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code