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Billing and Payments

In iEHR, billing and payments are seamlessly integrated into the healthcare workflow. For instance, after a lab test is completed, a DiagnosticReport is generated and, along with related resources, is automatically sent to the billing system once the report is finalized.

Key Components

  • Insurance Billing: The Coverage resource is crucial for representing a patient's insurance information. For more details on storing patient insurance data, refer to our Patient Insurance guide.

  • Coding: To ensure resources are billed correctly, they need to be tagged with appropriate codes such as CPT, LOINC, or SNOMED. This is achieved using the CodeableConcept element, which is determined by the service provided.

  • Automation and Integration: Complex scenarios, such as determining authorization or checking insurance status, can be automated using bots.

Sample Integrations

The iehr-demo-bots GitHub repository contains sample billing integrations that demonstrate how to maintain and synchronize billing data. Examples include:

  • Stripe Integration: Synchronizes invoices and payments between iEHR and Stripe.

  • Candid Health Integration: Prepares an Encounter resource and associated metadata for submission.

For more detailed information, feel free to contact us .